Wednesday, December 7, 2016
CMMNJ Public Meeting Agenda for Dec. 13, 2016
Monthly Public Meeting Agenda
Lawrence Twp. Library, Rm. #2
Tuesday, December 13, 2016 7:00 PM -- 9:00 PM
Approve October 2016 minutes. (No November meeting due to election day.) Discuss:
On Election Day, four states OK’d legal marijuana (California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada); four states OK’d medical marijuana (Arkansas, Florida, Montana and North Dakota). What can reform advocates expect from President-elect Trump?
NJ legislative delegation toured legal marijuana industry in CO. Sen. Scutari calls it "the next economic engine for the state." Sen. Sweeney: Recreational marijuana could be legal in N J by 2018.
Gov. Christie restates his opposition to marijuana, “The Gateway Drug.”
No word yet from the NJDOH on the Petitions to add qualifying conditions to the state’s MMP. A number of Petitions were submitted in August 2016
Bob Kane to report on U. of P. marijuana panel and Garden State Cannabis Consultants.
Philippe Dume was welcomed onto the Board of CMMNJ at the Board meeting on 11-30-16.
Appellate Court heard oral arguments for marijuana rescheduling in NJ on 11/29/16 in Trenton. Arguing pro bono to reschedule were Joseph L. Linares, Esq. and Marc Haefner, Esq. from the Newark Walsh law firm.
Upcoming Events:
“CMMNJ TV” will next tape on January 17, 2017, 10 am to 2 pm. Scheduled are…?
What Nurses Need to know about Medical Cannabis; UMCP 2/18/17, 8am – 1pm
Recent events: 10-26-16 TCNJ PoliSci: The Politics and Public Policy of Marijuana.
10-19-16: PCTV host Doris Robinson discussed medical marijuana with Ken Wolski, RN and Debi Madaio, RN at the PCTV studio in Piscataway, NJ.
10-18-16 CMMNJ TV episode with Dana Beal, Zoe Patchell & Tony Liberte.
Weekly Thursday Podcasts continued at the Statehouse until 11/17/16.
Treasury report: Checking: $2963; PayPal: $2643. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $1/apiece; 3 for $2. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.) There will be no July 2017 mtng.
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, MPA
(609) 394-2137
Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Monthly Public Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2016
September 2016 minutes were approved. The following issues were discussed:
Gov. Christie signed A457 into law on 9/14/16, making PTSD the first added condition to NJ's MMP. Thank you to the many volunteers and to the NJ legislators and the governor for making this happen. Potential regulations discussed.
NJ DOH accepted Petitions to add qualifying conditions to the state’s MMP. DPA submitted Petitions for Chronic Pain and PTSD; CMMNJ submitted Petitions for Osteoarthritis, Opiate Use Disorder, Autism, Anxiety, Migraine Headaches, & Neuropathic Pain. Public comment period should begin sometime in November 2016.
Asm. Carroll (R-Morris) introduced A4193 to legalize marijuana, treating it like tobacco, which is sold only to those over 19 years of age and expunging certain past marijuana offenses. Asm. Gusciora's bill A2068 would legalize the possession of an ounce or less and the growing of no more than three mature, flowering cannabis plants.
Jen Lehman, Asm. Greenwald’s aide, is coordinating testimony on A4026, creates “secondary” caregivers for MMP; eliminates psychiatrist requirement for minors; and OKs treatment with marijuana as a first resort, and for organ transplants; introduced to Assembly Health Committee. A3852, Asw. Lampitt’s bill, also in Health Committee, says parents may be caregivers for more than one minor, and parents may designate another caregiver, besides themselves, for a minor.
Thursday Podcasts from 11-2 pm will continue until Thanksgiving.
Juan Silva from Newark wants to work with CMMNJ. He runs an adult day care facility there.
CMMNJ toured Compassionate Sciences ATC; see Peter’s review of their new topicals.
H.R. 1538: CARERS Act of 2015 now has 41 cosponsors (27 Dems, 14 Reps).
NJ Weedman’s legal status discussed.
Upcoming Events:
“CMMNJ TV” will next tape on 10/18/16. Scheduled are Zoe Patchell, Dana Beal and Tony L.
Recent events: CMMNJ tabled at Lawrence Community Day on 10/2/16.
Boston Freedom Rally, 9/17 & 18/2016.
NJ Celebrates Recovery, 9/18/16 Middletown Arts Center.
Dana Beal urges rescheduling of marijuana, various venues.
What Nurses Need to know about Medical Cannabis, 9/28/16, Schnecksville, PA.
Treasury report: Checking: $2166; PayPal: $3629. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, MPA
(609) 394-2137
Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Recent Media Coverage and Blogs:
City again asks judge to dismiss NJ Weedman’s lawsuit
How marijuana victories across the nation will now affect N.J.
Could marijuana legalization hit N.J. after 2018?
CMMNJ TV: CMMNJ Board Member Vanessa Maria is interviewed
NJ.COM: Marijuana legalization is on N.J.'s horizon | Editorial
Legalization Advocates: Marijuana Could Bring in $300M in Revenue
Philly420: Will Trump side with most Americans on cannabis?
Will Trump White House snuff out N.J. push to legalize marijuana?
Tax revenue from legal pot would be 'blood money,' Christie says
N.J. court asked to reconsider tough pot sentences
N.J. attorneys ask the court to 'reclassify' pot as a less dangerous drug
Ignorance Is No Excuse Tour: Michelle Burn's Journey to get her MMJ back from the BPD
Rally for marijuana legalization held in Newark (DE)
Baby Boomers On Bud: Recreational Marijuana Use Rising Among Adults Over 50
Discrepancies Between Federal and State Marijuana Laws Pose Significant Barriers to Research – New Guidance Needed!
CMMNJ TV: Tony Liberte / INE Tour Mahwah
Dialogue With Doris: Medical Marijuana, The Issues and Hassles
RANT! Medical Marijuana!
The TRUTH About Marijuana & Alzheimer’s [Controversial New Study Explained]
Saturday, November 5, 2016
No CMMNJ Meeting Nov. 8, 2016—Election Day!
November 8, 2016 is Election Day.
Five states vote on legalizing marijuana (Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada); four states vote on medical marijuana (Arkansas, Florida, Montana and North Dakota).
Marijuana Legalization in New Jersey Update:
NJ legislative delegation tours legal marijuana industry in CO. Sen. Scutari calls it "the next economic engine for the state." Sen. Sweeney: Recreational marijuana could be legal in N.J. by 2018.
Sign the Petition to the Delaware General Assembly to End Cannabis Prohibition in DE!
Upcoming Events:
“CMMNJ TV” will next tape on 11/22/16. Scheduled are…?
What Nurses Need to know about Medical Cannabis; UMCP 2/18/17 8 – 1pm
Recent events: 10-26-16 TCNJ PoliSci: The Politics and Public Policy of Marijuana
10-18-16 CMMNJ TV: Dana Beal, Cannabis Bureau of Delaware, & Tony Liberte.
10-19-16: PCTV host Doris Robinson interviews Ken Wolski, RN and Debi Madaio, RN.
Weekly Thursday Podcasts continue at the Statehouse through 11/17/16.
Treasury report: Checking: $3113; PayPal: $2643 ($1K transfer). Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $1/apiece; 3 for $2. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's next public meeting will be on December 13, 2016. Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.)
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, MPA
(609) 394-2137
Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
ASA’s Congressional Scorecard:
Marijuana Reform in New Jersey:
Vote Medical Marijuana New Jersey
Federal Report Card
Senate Grade
Booker, Cory (Dem) A+
Menendez, R. (Dem.) No Grade
House District Grade
Norcross, D. (D) 1 B+
LoBiondo, F. (R) 2 B+
MacArthur, T. (R) 3 F
Smith, C. (R) 4 F
Garrett, S. (R) 5 B
Pallone, F. (D) 6 B+
Lance, L. (R) 7 F
Sires, A. (D) 8 B+
Pascrell, B. (D) 9 B+
Payne, Jr., D. (D) 10 B+
Frelinghuysen, R. (R) 11 F
Coleman, B. (D) 12 B+

Monthly Public Meeting Minutes
October 11, 2016
September 2016 minutes were approved. The following issues were discussed:
Gov. Christie signed A457 into law on 9/14/16, making PTSD the first added condition to NJ's MMP. Thank you to the many volunteers and to the NJ legislators and the governor for making this happen. Potential regulations discussed.
NJ DOH accepted Petitions to add qualifying conditions to the state’s MMP. DPA submitted Petitions for Chronic Pain and PTSD; CMMNJ submitted Petitions for Osteoarthritis, Opiate Use Disorder, Autism, Anxiety, Migraine Headaches, & Neuropathic Pain. Public comment period should begin sometime in November 2016.
Asm. Carroll (R-Morris) introduced A4193 to legalize marijuana, treating it like tobacco, which is sold only to those over 19 years of age and expunging certain past marijuana offenses. Asm. Gusciora's bill A2068 would legalize the possession of an ounce or less and the growing of no more than three mature, flowering cannabis plants.
Jen Lehman, Asm. Greenwald’s aide, is coordinating testimony on A4026, creates “secondary” caregivers for MMP; eliminates psychiatrist requirement for minors; and OKs treatment with marijuana as a first resort, and for organ transplants; introduced to Assembly Health Committee. A3852, Asw. Lampitt’s bill, also in Health Committee, says parents may be caregivers for more than one minor, and parents may designate another caregiver, besides themselves, for a minor.
Thursday Podcasts from 11-2 pm will continue until Thanksgiving.
Juan Silva from Newark wants to work with CMMNJ. He runs an adult day care facility there.
CMMNJ toured Compassionate Sciences ATC; see Peter’s review of their new topicals.
H.R. 1538: CARERS Act of 2015 now has 41 cosponsors (27 Dems, 14 Reps).
NJ Weedman’s legal status discussed.
Upcoming Events:
“CMMNJ TV” will next tape on 10/18/16. Scheduled are Zoe Patchell, Dana Beal and Tony L.
Recent events: CMMNJ tabled at Lawrence Community Day on 10/2/16.
Boston Freedom Rally, 9/17 & 18/2016.
NJ Celebrates Recovery, 9/18/16 Middletown Arts Center.
Dana Beal urges rescheduling of marijuana, various venues.
What Nurses Need to know about Medical Cannabis, 9/28/16, Schnecksville, PA.
Treasury report: Checking: $2166; PayPal: $3629. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $1/apiece; 3 for $2. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.)
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, MPA
(609) 394-2137
Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Recent Media Coverage and Blogs:
Marijuana Lights Up State Ballots
A hug and thanks to Christie for approving pot for PTSD
Give doctors greater control of N.J. medical marijuana program | Opinion
Poll: Should N.J., Pa. allow voters to decide on legalizing marijuana?
(over 93% of respondents said Yes)
Time for some traffic problems outside Christie's office | The Auditor
What happens to medical marijuana if Proposition 64 passes?
Now available in N.J.: Cherry or grape cannabis lozenges
NJ legislators get a whiff of Colorado's pot industry: "We want to do it right.'
How does Pennsylvania’s new medical marijuana law compare to NJCUMMA?
N.J. could legalize marijuana as early as 2018, Senate president says
Weed could be legal in NJ in 2018, lawmakers say after Colorado trip
Pot soda, thousands of cannabis plants and marijuana treats for anxious dogs. NJ lawmakers see it all in Colorado
5 things that must happen for N.J. to legalize recreational marijuana Statehouse Podcast 10-27-16
Advocates Decry Lack of Action After 2nd Dead Woman in Neptune Township Statehouse Podcast 10-20-16
I give my report of the press conference around the 2:42 mark
Statehouse Potcast 10/6/16
Star-Ledger Editorial Board: Recreational marijuana in N.J. is a question of when, not if | Editorial
Legalization Advocates: Marijuana Could Bring in $300M in Revenue
The Pot Vote
What New Jersey can learn from Colorado about legalizing pot
Why Pa. seniors are getting high on marijuana in record numbers
Temple, Jefferson to collaborate on medical marijuana research
What Nurses Need to Know about Medical Cannabis
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
CMMNJ Public Meeting Agenda, Oct. 11, 2016
Monthly Public Meeting Agenda
Lawrence Township Library
Room #2
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
7:00 PM -- 9:00 PM
Approve September 2016 minutes. Discuss:
Gov. Christie signed A457 into law on 9/14/16. This fulfills CMMNJ's commitment to make PTSD the first added condition to NJ's MMP. Thank you to the many volunteers who worked so hard to get this done! Thanks also to the NJ legislators and the governor for making this happen.
NJ DOH accepted Petitions to add qualifying conditions to the state’s MMP. DPA submitted Petitions for Chronic Pain and PTSD; CMMNJ submitted Petitions for Osteoarthritis, Opiate Use Disorder, Autism, Anxiety, Migraine Headaches, & Neuropathic Pain. (Will the panel OK marijuana therapy as a first-line treatment for PTSD?) Public comment period, including addressing the panel directly on these Petitions, should begin sometime in November 2016.
Asm. Carroll (R-Morris) introduced A4193 to legalize marijuana, treating it like tobacco, which is sold only to those over 19 years of age and expunging certain past marijuana offenses. Asm. Gusciora's bill A2068 would legalize the possession of an ounce or less and the growing of no more than three mature, flowering cannabis plants.
Jen Lehman, Asm. Greenwald’s aide, is coordinating testimony on A4026, which creates “secondary” caregivers for MMP; eliminates psychiatrist requirement for minors; and OKs treatment with marijuana as a first resort, and for organ transplants; introduced to Assembly Health Committee.
A3852, Asw. Lampitt’s bill, also in Health Committee, says parents may be caregivers for more than one minor, and parents may designate another caregiver, besides themselves, for a minor.
On 9/15 during a Podcast paying tribute to Roger Barbour at the Trenton statehouse, CMMJ publicly thanked the governor for signing the PTSD bill. Thursday Podcasts from 11-2 pm will continue until Thanksgiving.
CMMNJ toured Compassionate Sciences ATC; see Peter’s review of their new topicals.
NJWeedman Update: Ed Forchion argues that his ‘cannabis temple’ deserves religious freedom. TPD harassing NJ Weedman? VICE TV reporting extensively on the case.
H.R. 1538: CARERS Act of 2015 now has 41 cosponsors (27 Dems, 14 Reps).
Upcoming Events:
“CMMNJ TV” will next tape on 10/18/16. Scheduled are Zoe Patchell, Dana Beal and Tony L.
Recent events: CMMNJ tabled at Lawrence Community Day on 10/2/16.
Boston Freedom Rally, 9/17 & 18/2016.
NJ Celebrates Recovery, 9/18/16 Middletown Arts Center.
Dana Beal urges rescheduling of marijuana, various venues. What Nurses Need to know about Medical Cannabis, 9/28/16, Schnecksville, PA.
Treasury report: Checking: $2166; PayPal: $3629. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $1/apiece; 3 for $2. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.)
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, MPA
(609) 394-2137
Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Monthly Public Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2016
NJ DOH accepted Petitions to add conditions to the state’s MMP in August 2016. DPA submitted Petitions for Chronic Pain and PTSD; CMMNJ submitted Petitions for Osteoarthritis, Opiate Use Disorder, Autism, Anxiety, Migraine Headaches, & Neuropathic Pain. Petitions to be posted on ScribD. Unknown what criteria panel will use to approve submissions—greater standard than original approved conditions?
NJ Senate passed A457 (to add PTSD to NJ's MMP) on 8/1/16, 28 – 9. The bill passed in the entire Assembly on 6/16/16, 56 – 13. The bill went to the governor’s desk for his action on 8/1.
The governor must take action on the bill by 9/15/16 or it becomes law without his signature.
Topicals are available from Compassionate Sciences ATC as a container of 2 syringes of oil with 150 mg of THC each. Suggested dose is 10 mg; price is $75 per container (counts as 1/8 of an ounce of flowers of the 2 ounce/month allotment). Lozenges expected by the end of the month.
A4026 to be introduced soon to Assembly (Health?) Committee. The bill will ease caregiver restrictions in schools. Jen Lehman, Asm. Greenwald’s aide, is coordinating testimony.
DEA again insists marijuana belongs in its absurd Schedule I classification—46 years of federal propaganda with exaggeration of the dangers and denial of marijuana’s medical benefits--continues. DEA now proposes to place kratom as a Schedule I narcotic on 9/30/16.
“CMMNJ TV” taped 9/6/16 in Princeton; next taping date is scheduled for October 18, 2016.
NJWeedman Update: Ed Forchion to argue that his ‘cannabis temple’ deserves religious freedom. VICE TV reporting extensively on the case.
Upcoming Events: CMMNJ to table at Lawrence Community Day on 10/2/16.
Boston Freedom Rally, 9/17 & 18/2016.
NJ Celebrates Recovery, 9/18/16 Middletown Arts Center, 1 pm (CMMNJ table and speakers).
Dana Beal’s efforts to reschedule marijuana—9/7/16 at the Intrepid, NYC, and TBA. What Nurses Need to know about Medical Cannabis, 9/28/16, Schnecksville, PA.
Moorestown Meetup, Tech and Innovation of Cannabis Industry, 11/14.
Mike Brennan speaking at cannabis event in Manhattan, 9/28/16.
Recent events: Slightly Stoopid concert, Stone Pony 8/19 (Thanks to Amanda, & Eric).
Compassionate Sciences (CS) ATC expects to have lozenges and topicals soon.
CS ATC had an educational program on PTSD on 8/24/16.
Jessie Sanders court date was 8/23/16; the court dismissed the case!
Patient Outreach at “The Joint” in Trenton.
Sudden deaths of Roger Barbour, Esq., and husband of JoAnne Zito.
Treasury report: Checking: $2092; PayPal: $3629. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $1/apiece; 3 for $2. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.)
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, MPA
(609) 394-2137
Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
Recent Media Coverage and Blogs:
Christie Signs Bill Approving the Use of Medical Marijuana for PTSD
N.J. Marijuana Legalization Bill Would Treat Weed Like Tobacco
Legalize marijuana push in N.J.: Should it be treated like cigarettes or booze?
In New Jersey, a renewed push to make marijuana legal
Drug Czar Admits Feds Blocked Marijuana Research
Stop the DEA's War on Kratom
Compassionate Sciences Cannabis Oil Extraction Facility
Using the New Cannabis Extract Products
U.S. Attorney General Says Cannabis Is Not a Gateway Drug
Giant great's new career is pushing medical marijuana
No ‘edible’ marijuana: Is NJ making a mistake?
Christie signs medical marijuana bill, but PTSD sufferers still must wait on Health department
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
CMMNJ Meeting Agenda for September 13, 2016
Monthly Public Meeting Agenda
Lawrence Township Library, Room #2
Tuesday, September 13, 2016 7:00 PM -- 9:00 PM
Approve August 2016 minutes. Discuss:
NJ DOH accepted Petitions to add qualifying conditions to the state’s MMP between 8/1/16 and 8/31/16. DPA submitted Petitions for Chronic Pain and PTSD; CMMNJ submitted Petitions for Osteoarthritis, Opiate Use Disorder, Autism, Anxiety, Migraine Headaches, & Neuropathic Pain.
NJ Senate passed A457 (to add PTSD to NJ's MMP) on 8/1/16, 28 – 9. (The bill passed in the entire Assembly on 6/16/16, 56 – 13.) The bill went to the governor’s desk for his action on 8/1.
DEA again insists marijuana belongs in its absurd Schedule I classification—46 years of federal propaganda—exaggeration of the dangers and denial of marijuana’s medical benefits--continues.
Ongoing Thursday Podcasts at the Trenton Statehouse continue 11-2 pm to Thanksgiving.
Excellent interview with Jim Miller on NJ Capitol Report.
“CMMNJ TV” taped 9/6/16 in Princeton; next taping date is scheduled for October 18, 2016.
NJWeedman Update: Ed Forchion to argue that his ‘cannabis temple’ deserves religious freedom. VICE TV reporting extensively on the case.
Upcoming Events: CMMNJ to table at Lawrence Community Day on 10/2/16.
Boston Freedom Rally, 9/17 & 18/2016.
NJ Celebrates Recovery, 9/18/16 Middletown Arts Center, 1 pm (CMMNJ table and speakers).
Dana Beal’s efforts to urge candidate Clinton to reschedule marijuana—9/7/16 at the Intrepid, NYC, 5 pm to 9 pm and TBA.
What Nurses Need to know about Medical Cannabis, Lehigh Carbon County Community College, 9/28/16, 8 AM to 1 PM Schnecksville, PA:
Recent events: Slightly Stoopid concert, Stone Pony 8/19 (Thanks to Amanda, & Eric).
Compassionate Sciences (CS) ATC expects to have lozenges and topicals soon. CS ATC had an educational program on PTSD on 8/24/16.
Jessie Sanders court date was 8/23/16; the court dismissed the case!
Patient Outreach at “The Joint” in Trenton.
Sudden deaths of Roger Barbour, Esq., and husband of JoAnne Zito.
Treasury report: Checking: $2092; PayPal: $3629. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $1/apiece; 3 for $2. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.)
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, MPA
(609) 394-2137
Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Monthly Public Meeting Minutes
August 9, 2016
June 2016 minutes approved. (No July 2016 meeting.)
NJ DOH to accept Petitions to add qualifying conditions to the state’s MMP. Petitions must be sent by certified mail postmarked between 8/1 and 8/31/16; see NJ DOH website (News) for forms. DPA to submit Petitions for Chronic Pain and PTSD; CMMNJ to submit Petitions for Osteoarthritis (Ken), Opiate Use Disorder & Autism (Vanessa W. and Mike), Anxiety & Migraine Headaches (Bob), & Neuropathic Pain (Peter).
Senate Health Committee passed S2345/A457 (to add PTSD to NJ's MMP) 6-3 on 6/16/16, and the bill passed in the entire Assembly on the same day, 56 -13. On 8/1/16 the bill passed in the Senate, 28 – 9. The bill went to the governor’s desk for his action.
Over 50 Thursday Podcasts (“Telling It Like It Is”) at the Trenton Statehouse continue 11-2 pm, with plans to continue through Thanksgiving. Governor passed by about 1/3 of the Podcasts. Coverage includes News 12 NJ among other media.
Interview with Jim Miller on NJ Capitol Report, taped at NJTV Studios in Newark on June 28th.
CMMNJ TV taped 7/12 in Princeton; the next taping date is scheduled for 9/6/16, 10 am – 2 pm.
INE tours continue with Sativa Cross.
Pennsylvania, the 24th medical marijuana state, is allowing parents to obtain medical marijuana for minors from out-of-state until their program is functioning.
NJWeedman Update: Judge will allow Forchion to argue that his ‘cannabis temple’ deserves religious freedom.
Recent Events:
DNC events in Philadelphia: Connie’s Ric Rac 7/25/16; East Coast Cannabis Coalition Rally Municipal Bldg. on 7/26/16 (Jo Anne attended).
“Forum on Addiction and Healing” with U.S. Surgeon General & U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, St. Barnabas Medical Center, 8/8/16, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm.
CMMNJ tabled at Hemp Heals, 7/22/16—thanks to our volunteers! CMMNJ Meeting to develop education for NJ MDs, 6/23/16.
Clinton Health and Wellness Center, update on the NJ MMP, 6/25, noon-2 p.m.
Upcoming events:
Slightly Stoopid concert, Stone Pony 8/19 (Mike, Amanda, & Eric).
Compassionate Sciences ATC expects to have lozenges and topicals available next week! CS ATC also plans an educational program on PTSD on 8/24/16.
Jessie Sanders court date is now 8/23/16; she asks for community show of support.
CMMNJ to table at Lawrence Community Day on 10/2/16.
Patient Outreach at The Joint in Trenton 8/16 & 8/17.
What Nurses Need to know about Medical Cannabis, Lehigh Carbon County Community College, 9/28/16, 8 AM to 1 PM Schnecksville, PA.
Treasury report: Checking: $2053; PayPal: $3629.
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, (609) 394-2137
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Recent Media Coverage and Blogs:
New Jersey Celebrates Recovery:
or, Facebook:
N.J. veterans seek medical marijuana for PTSD
Poll: Should medical marijuana be legal for people with PTSD? (97% of respondents say, “Yes.”)
Please help us get this important bill signed by automatically sending a message to Governor Christie: A457 adds post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to the list of medical conditions that would qualify a patient to receive medical marijuana in New Jersey. (DPA capwiz):
Thousands petition Christie for PTSD in N.J. medical marijuana program
Government won't reclassify marijuana, N.J. experts hope for a change in the future
The medical marijuana movement just got some really bad news
American Legion Calls for Marijuana Rescheduling
D.E.A. Keeps Marijuana on List of Dangerous Drugs, Frustrating Advocates
WATCH: NJ vets fight to use medical marijuana for PTSD
Most say pot use OK for PTSD; researcher seeks volunteers to smoke it
Prosecutors fight to keep secret informant in NJ Weedman’s drug case
Pot-Smoking Politician Takes His Biggest Hit Yet: 11 Drug Charges
Medical pot user sues Sparta cops over alleged false arrest, report says
Coming soon: A brand new way to take medical marijuana in N.J.
Dad who changed N.J. medical marijuana law dies suddenly Podcast from the Governor's office
Maiden name kept woman from medical marijuana
Medical Marijuana Policy Approved at LTPS
Monday, July 25, 2016
CMMNJ Public Meeting Agenda for August 9, 2016
Monthly Public Meeting Agenda
Lawrence Township Library,
Room #2
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
7:00 PM -- 9:00 PM
Approve June 2016 minutes. Discuss:
NJ DOH will accept Petitions to add qualifying conditions to the state’s MMP. Petitions must be sent by certified mail postmarked between 8/1 and 8/31/16; see NJ DOH website (News) for forms:
Senate Health Committee passes S2345 (to add PTSD to NJ's MMP) 6-3 on 6/16/16, Statehouse Annex, Trenton, NJ. Await vote in full NJ Senate (companion bill passed in Assembly.)
Ongoing Thursday Podcasts at the Trenton Statehouse continue 11-2 pm.
Interview with Jim Miller on NJ Capitol Report, taped at NJTV Studios in Newark on June 28th.
CMMNJ TV taped 7/12 in Princeton; the next taping date is scheduled for August 23, 2016.
Pennsylvania, the 24th medical marijuana state, is allowing parents to obtain medical marijuana for minors from out-of-state until their program is functioning.
NJWeedman Update: Judge will allow Forchion to argue that his ‘cannabis temple’ deserves religious freedom.
Upcoming Events: DNC events in Philadelphia: Connie’s Ric Rac 7/25/16 at 7 pm; and the East Coast Cannabis Coalition Rally near City Hall (Municipal Bldg.) on 7/26/16 from 3 to 5 pm.
“Forum on Addiction and Healing” with U.S. Surgeon General & U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, St. Barnabas Medical Center, 8/8/16, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm.
"What Nurses Need to know about Medical Cannabis," Lehigh Carbon County Community College, 9/28/16, 8 AM to 1 PM Schnecksville, PA:
Recent events:
CMMNJ tabled at Hemp Heals—thanks to our volunteers! CMMNJ Meeting to develop education for NJ MDs, 6/23/16.
Clinton Health and Wellness Center, update on the NJ MMP, 6/25, noon-2 p.m.
Treasury report: Checking: $2053; PayPal: $3629. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $1/apiece; 3 for $2. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.)
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, (609) 394-2137
Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Monthly Public Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2016
Nine people attended including 4 Board Members. Members voted to accept May 2016 minutes without revision.
General discussion about activism and the need to engage one’s legislators. Jim led a history lesson in how he got the Governor to endorse Med MJ during his first campaign.
Group discussion of A457 (PTSD) and possibility of asking for the legislature to pass it to be made effective Nov 11 -Veteran’s Day.
Senate has S2345 as a companion sponsored by Scutari & Vitalli.
Discussion of the Fed Govt blocking MJ research.
Jim Price discussed his medical team efforts to interact with Doctors. He has excellent handouts and information to help Drs understand Med MJ.
There are favorable reports on the use of marijuana to treat pain from the first 13 states that allowed it for that condition, AND an AMA study documents reduced deaths from opiates in those states.
It was noted that the VA Doctors will not penalize veterans who use Med MJ in states where it is legal.
Discussion of the level of proof needed for the DoH to expand conditions. Jim M opined that he thought the panelists were sincere. Ed H. said the Commissioner makes the final decision and she serves at the will of the Governor.
Extensive report on the Podcasts and Miller’s interactions with the Governor.
Miller will be interviewed by Steve Adubato on June 28 th for which he is preparing diligently. No word on air date.
No agenda for the CMMNJ TV July 12 taping. (Ed) suggested that Miller discuss his Capitol Talk issues -esp if there has been no airing by then.
NO July 2016 Meeting, AND that National NORML bestowed on Ken Wolski the Honor of being awarded the Peter McWilliams Award. Miller explained who McWilliams was –a man who died in the medical MJ cause.
Write to Jon Peditto, SBI: 000175573D, unit 4R, c/o Southern State Correctional Facility, 4295 North Delsea Drive, P.O. Box 150, Belmont, New Jersey 08314
Upcoming Events: CMMNJ Meeting to develop education for NJ MDs, 6/23/16.
Clinton Health and Wellness Center, update on the NJ MMP, 6/25, noon-2 p.m.
Recent events:
Global Marijuana March, 5/7/16, NYC & Rehoboth, DE; 5/8/16 Philadelphia.
Treasury report: Checking: $2152; PayPal: $3729. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $3/apiece; 2 for $5. Wholesale prices are available.
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, (609) 394-2137
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Recent Media Coverage and Blogs:
Got an illness that marijuana could help? N.J. wants to know
Think NJ’s medical marijuana program should cover more conditions? Fill out this form
Advocates of New Jersey's medical marijuana program say petition process is ‘not genuine'
Should firefighter be fired because he is a medical marijuana patient?
Public health effects of legalized marijuana in New Jersey
What needs to happen for recreational marijuana to be legalized in N.J.?
Scutari Pushes for Marijuana Legalization Despite Resistance from Christie
Gusciora Talks Marijuana Legalization for Atlantic City, Expansion of Medical Use
Do you think we’ll ever see legalized marijuana in New Jersey?
NJ Assembly Passes Bill Allowing Medical Marijuana Use For PTSD
Prepping for the Post-Christie Era: New Jersey Leaders Play the Long Game on Marijuana Legalization
NJ Votes To Expand Medical Marijuana Program
Fight isn't over for N.J. teen who won right to consume medical marijuana at school
New Jersey State Senator Talks Up Pot Legalization After Colorado Visit
CMMNJ TV: Veterans Cornered
CMMNJ TV: Leo Bridgewater
CMMNJ TV: William Haney
CMMNJ TV: Philippe Dume
Medical cannabis laws in the USA are associated with a decline of absence from work due to sickness
2 Arrested After Marijuana Bust in West Greenwich
The Delicate Discussion of Marijuana & Minors
Streamed live on Jul 21, 2016
Why U.S. Doctors Love Opioids and Hate Marijuana for Chronic Pain
Win for Weedman: He can argue ‘cannabis temple’ deserves religious freedom
The Pot Law That Could Be 'Deal-Breaker for the Drug War'
Lawrence Township Library,
Room #2
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
7:00 PM -- 9:00 PM
Approve June 2016 minutes. Discuss:
NJ DOH will accept Petitions to add qualifying conditions to the state’s MMP. Petitions must be sent by certified mail postmarked between 8/1 and 8/31/16; see NJ DOH website (News) for forms:
Senate Health Committee passes S2345 (to add PTSD to NJ's MMP) 6-3 on 6/16/16, Statehouse Annex, Trenton, NJ. Await vote in full NJ Senate (companion bill passed in Assembly.)
Ongoing Thursday Podcasts at the Trenton Statehouse continue 11-2 pm.
Interview with Jim Miller on NJ Capitol Report, taped at NJTV Studios in Newark on June 28th.
CMMNJ TV taped 7/12 in Princeton; the next taping date is scheduled for August 23, 2016.
Pennsylvania, the 24th medical marijuana state, is allowing parents to obtain medical marijuana for minors from out-of-state until their program is functioning.
NJWeedman Update: Judge will allow Forchion to argue that his ‘cannabis temple’ deserves religious freedom.
Upcoming Events: DNC events in Philadelphia: Connie’s Ric Rac 7/25/16 at 7 pm; and the East Coast Cannabis Coalition Rally near City Hall (Municipal Bldg.) on 7/26/16 from 3 to 5 pm.
“Forum on Addiction and Healing” with U.S. Surgeon General & U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, St. Barnabas Medical Center, 8/8/16, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm.
"What Nurses Need to know about Medical Cannabis," Lehigh Carbon County Community College, 9/28/16, 8 AM to 1 PM Schnecksville, PA:
Recent events:
CMMNJ tabled at Hemp Heals—thanks to our volunteers! CMMNJ Meeting to develop education for NJ MDs, 6/23/16.
Clinton Health and Wellness Center, update on the NJ MMP, 6/25, noon-2 p.m.
Treasury report: Checking: $2053; PayPal: $3629. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $1/apiece; 3 for $2. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.)
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, (609) 394-2137
Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Monthly Public Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2016
Nine people attended including 4 Board Members. Members voted to accept May 2016 minutes without revision.
General discussion about activism and the need to engage one’s legislators. Jim led a history lesson in how he got the Governor to endorse Med MJ during his first campaign.
Group discussion of A457 (PTSD) and possibility of asking for the legislature to pass it to be made effective Nov 11 -Veteran’s Day.
Senate has S2345 as a companion sponsored by Scutari & Vitalli.
Discussion of the Fed Govt blocking MJ research.
Jim Price discussed his medical team efforts to interact with Doctors. He has excellent handouts and information to help Drs understand Med MJ.
There are favorable reports on the use of marijuana to treat pain from the first 13 states that allowed it for that condition, AND an AMA study documents reduced deaths from opiates in those states.
It was noted that the VA Doctors will not penalize veterans who use Med MJ in states where it is legal.
Discussion of the level of proof needed for the DoH to expand conditions. Jim M opined that he thought the panelists were sincere. Ed H. said the Commissioner makes the final decision and she serves at the will of the Governor.
Extensive report on the Podcasts and Miller’s interactions with the Governor.
Miller will be interviewed by Steve Adubato on June 28 th for which he is preparing diligently. No word on air date.
No agenda for the CMMNJ TV July 12 taping. (Ed) suggested that Miller discuss his Capitol Talk issues -esp if there has been no airing by then.
NO July 2016 Meeting, AND that National NORML bestowed on Ken Wolski the Honor of being awarded the Peter McWilliams Award. Miller explained who McWilliams was –a man who died in the medical MJ cause.
Write to Jon Peditto, SBI: 000175573D, unit 4R, c/o Southern State Correctional Facility, 4295 North Delsea Drive, P.O. Box 150, Belmont, New Jersey 08314
Upcoming Events: CMMNJ Meeting to develop education for NJ MDs, 6/23/16.
Clinton Health and Wellness Center, update on the NJ MMP, 6/25, noon-2 p.m.
Recent events:
Global Marijuana March, 5/7/16, NYC & Rehoboth, DE; 5/8/16 Philadelphia.
Treasury report: Checking: $2152; PayPal: $3729. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $3/apiece; 2 for $5. Wholesale prices are available.
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, (609) 394-2137
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Recent Media Coverage and Blogs:
Got an illness that marijuana could help? N.J. wants to know
Think NJ’s medical marijuana program should cover more conditions? Fill out this form
Advocates of New Jersey's medical marijuana program say petition process is ‘not genuine'
Should firefighter be fired because he is a medical marijuana patient?
Public health effects of legalized marijuana in New Jersey
What needs to happen for recreational marijuana to be legalized in N.J.?
Scutari Pushes for Marijuana Legalization Despite Resistance from Christie
Gusciora Talks Marijuana Legalization for Atlantic City, Expansion of Medical Use
Do you think we’ll ever see legalized marijuana in New Jersey?
NJ Assembly Passes Bill Allowing Medical Marijuana Use For PTSD
Prepping for the Post-Christie Era: New Jersey Leaders Play the Long Game on Marijuana Legalization
NJ Votes To Expand Medical Marijuana Program
Fight isn't over for N.J. teen who won right to consume medical marijuana at school
New Jersey State Senator Talks Up Pot Legalization After Colorado Visit
CMMNJ TV: Veterans Cornered
CMMNJ TV: Leo Bridgewater
CMMNJ TV: William Haney
CMMNJ TV: Philippe Dume
Medical cannabis laws in the USA are associated with a decline of absence from work due to sickness
2 Arrested After Marijuana Bust in West Greenwich
The Delicate Discussion of Marijuana & Minors
Streamed live on Jul 21, 2016
Why U.S. Doctors Love Opioids and Hate Marijuana for Chronic Pain
Win for Weedman: He can argue ‘cannabis temple’ deserves religious freedom
The Pot Law That Could Be 'Deal-Breaker for the Drug War'
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
CMMNJ Public Meeting Agenda for June 14, 2016
Monthly Public Meeting Agenda
Lawrence Township Library
Room #2
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
7:00 PM -- 9:00 PM
Approve May 2016 minutes. Discuss:
No CMMNJ public meeting in July 2016!
Assembly Regulatory Oversight Committee passes A457 (to add PTSD to NJ's MMP) out of committee, 6/2/16 Statehouse Annex, Trenton, NJ.
NJ could reap $300 million/year in sales tax by legalizing marijuana for recreational use, according to NJ United for Marijuana Reform and NJ Policy Perspective.
Pennsylvania, the 24th medical marijuana state, is hiring a Director, Bureau of Medical Marijuana, Permanent Full-time. PA allows parents to import cannabis.
NJWeedman Update: Forchion arrested again and charged with harassing a Trenton P.O. Appeal from 2010 arrest denied cert by SCOTUS on 5/16.
NJ DOH to add qualifying conditions to MMP--but when? Model petitions worked on.
Ongoing Thursday Podcasts at the Statehouse resumed April 7, 2016, 11-2 pm, Trenton.
Interview with Jim Miller on NJ Capitol Report with Steve Adubato, taping at the NJTV Studios (2 Gateway) in Newark on June 28th.
CMMNJ TV will be taping 7/12 in Princeton (there will be no public CMMNJ meeting in July due to a schedule conflict with the library).
NORML Lobby Day 5/23 & 24/16 Washington, DC. Ken won NORML's "Peter McWilliams Award for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Marijuana."
Write to Jon Peditto, SBI: 000175573D, unit 4R, c/o Southern State Correctional Facility, 4295 North Delsea Drive, P.O. Box 150, Belmont, New Jersey 08314
Upcoming Events: CMMNJ Meeting to develop education for NJ MDs, 6/23/16.
Clinton Health and Wellness Center, update on the NJ MMP, 6/25, noon-2 p.m.
Recent events:
Global Marijuana March, 5/7/16, NYC & Rehoboth, DE; 5/8/16 Philadelphia.
Treasury report: Checking: $2152; PayPal: $3729. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $3/apiece; 2 for $5. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.)
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, (609) 394-2137 Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Monthly Public Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2016
Pennsylvania became the 24th medical marijuana state as Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 3, on April 17, 2016. PTSD & chronic pain OK, but no flowers.
UNGASS 2016, 4/19-21, U.N., NYC. CMMNJ joined other NGOs & signed several statements in support of drug policy reform. Update from Bob Kane who represented CMMNJ at the U.N. with the Beckley Foundation. We hope for more progress at next UNGASS in 2019. There is still time to sign Beckley Foundation's Public Letter.
East Coast Cannabis Coalition passed a symbolic Joint from Maine to Florida. #UnityCypher #UnityTorch received in NYC, & passed to Trenton & Philly April 19-20.
NJWeedman Update: "Joint" & "Liberty Bell Temple" visited by LEOs 3/5/16 followed by injunction to stop harassment; raided by LEOs on 4/27/16 with multiple arrests and property confiscated. Appeal from 2010 arrest being reviewed by SCOTUS 5/12-5/16.
NJ DOH to add qualifying conditions for marijuana therapy; CMMNJ producing model petitions to DOH--Jim & Vanessa, PTSD; Ken, chronic pain; Peter, neuropathic pain.
Ongoing Thursday Podcasts at the Statehouse resumed 4/7/16; Press Release in 2 wks.
Breakwater ATC offers 5% discount to any patient with a CMMNJ t-shirt!
Nick Mellis agrees to chair a "Goodbye to Chris Christie Committee."
CMMNJ TV with Angie Patterson broadcast today and Friday on Princeton TV.
Jon Peditto mailing address: SBI 000175573D, unit 4R, c/o Southern State Correctional Facility,4295 North Delsea Drive, P.O. Box 150, Belmont, New Jersey 08314
Global Marijuana March, 5/7/16, NYC & Rehoboth, DE; 5/8/16 Philadelphia.
Amanda to put Beckley Foundation's Public Letter on the CMMNJ website.
Upcoming Events: NORML Lobby Day 5/23&24/16 Washington, DC. Ken to get "Peter McWilliams Award for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Marijuana," 5/23/16.
Recent events: NJLP convention 3/12/16, Tavern on the Lake, Hightstown, NJ.
NJ Senate & Assembly Budget Testimony, 3/15&16/16 Glassboro & Collingswood, NJ
ASA's Medical Marijuana Unity Conference, 3/18-22, Washington, D.C.
Patients Out of Time conference, 4/14-16/16, Baltimore.
Trenton 4/20, 2pm March from City Hall to Rally at Statehouse, After Party at The Joint.
CMMNJ Board meeting, 4/6/16.
Treasury report: Checking: $2234; PayPal: $3679. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $3/apiece; 2 for $5. Wholesale prices are available.
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, (609) 394-2137 Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Recent Media Coverage and Blogs:
Legalizing marijuana would reap $300M a year in taxes for N.J., advocates say
Veterans Explore Benefits of Using Medical Marijuana for Treating PTSD
Want to head Pa.'s medical marijuana program?
Welcome to Drug War Facts
Can CBD Mitigate Psychotic Symptoms? Initial Research Is Promising
ACNA Newsletter - 2016 Issue #2"cdf
U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear NJ Weedman's case
It's time courts kept up with NJ Weedman's pot legalization battles | Editorial
NJ Weedman taunts police outside his restaurant (VIDEO)
Joint Boyz TV - NJ Weedman Comes Home After Being Arrested for Cyber Bullying"app=desktop
SativaCross Productions Live Stream 5/12/16
Global Cannabis March Rehoboth Beach, Delaware May 7, 2016"
Medical Professionals Voice Their Concerns (Part 1)
Why Medical Cannabis Patients Call 9-1-1 (Part 2)
What Conditions Does Cannabis Effectively Treat? (Part 3, Chronic Pain & Sleep Disorders)
N.J.'s medical marijuana program, six years later
Pennsylvania Allows Parents to Import Cannabis for Treatment
8 Incredible Moms Fighting For Their Kids Lives
SativaCross Productions Live Stream
Philly420: Temple PhD brings high standards to testing pot
War vets with PTSD shouldn't be denied medical marijuana | Editorial
Lesniak: Marijuana in N.J. should be decriminalized, but not legalized - yet | Opinion
Medical pot proposal before N.J. Supreme Court could ease lawyers’ fears
Marijuana on Memorial Day: Vets Help Reform Effort
Ignorance Is No Excuse Tour: Trenton's War on Black Medical Marijuana Patients
Pro-marijuana lawmaker's excellent adventure | The Auditor
Marijuana or martinis: Should government choose for you? | Moran
SativaCross Productions Live Stream 5/28/16
Philly420: Could NJ become pot tourism destination?
N.J. vets desperately need medical marijuana for PTSD, patients say
Medical Marijuana Use Now Allowed at Hillsborough Schools
Smoking Out the Tristate Area: Employer Concerns with Local Medical Marijuana Laws
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
CMMNJ Monthly Public Meeting Minutes May 10, 2016
Monthly Public Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2016
Pennsylvania became the 24th medical marijuana state as Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 3, on April 17, 2016. PTSD & chronic pain OK, but no flowers.
United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem, 4/19-21/2016, U.N., NYC. CMMNJ joined other NGOs (Non-governmental organizations) & signed several statements in support of drug policy reform. Update from Bob Kane who represented CMMNJ at the U.N. with the Beckley Foundation. We hope for more progress at next UNGASS in 2019. There is still time to sign Beckley Foundation's Public Letter (add to CMMNJ website):
East Coast Cannabis Coalition passed a symbolic Joint from Maine to Florida. #UnityCypher #UnityTorch received in NYC, & passed to Trenton & Philly April 19-20.
NJWeedman Update: "Joint" & "Liberty Bell Temple" visited by LEOs 3/5/16 followed by injunction to stop harassment; raided by LEOs on 4/27/16 with multiple arrests and property confiscated. Appeal from 2010 arrest being reviewed by SCOTUS 5/12-5/16.
NJ DOH (Dept. of Health) to add qualifying conditions for marijuana therapy; CMMNJ producing model petitions to DOH--Jim & Vanessa, PTSD; Ken, chronic pain; Peter, neuropathic pain.
Ongoing Thursday Podcasts at the Statehouse resumed 4/7/16; Press Release in 2 wks.
Breakwater ATC offers 5% discount to any patient with a CMMNJ t-shirt!
Nick Mellis agrees to chair a "Goodbye to Chris Christie Committee."
CMMNJ TV with Angie Patterson broadcast today and Friday on Princeton TV.
Jon Peditto mailing address: SBI 000175573D, unit 4R, c/o Southern State Correctional Facility,4295 North Delsea Drive, P.O. Box 150, Belmont, New Jersey 08314
Global Marijuana March, 5/7/16, NYC & Rehoboth, DE; 5/8/16 Philadelphia.
Upcoming Events:
NORML Lobby Day 5/23&24/16 Washington, DC. Ken to get "Peter McWilliams Award for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Marijuana," 5/23/16.
Recent events:
NJLP convention 3/12/16, Hightstown, NJ.
NJ Senate & Assembly Budget Testimony, 3/15&16/16 Glassboro & Collingswood, NJ
ASA's Medical Marijuana Unity Conference, 3/18-22, Washington, D.C.
Patients Out of Time conference, 4/14-16/16, Baltimore.
Trenton 4/20 March from City Hall to Rally at Statehouse, After Party at The Joint.
CMMNJ Board meeting, 4/6/16.
Treasury report: Checking: $2234; PayPal: $3679. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $3/apiece; 2 for $5. Wholesale prices are available.
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, (609) 394-2137 Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
CMMNJ Public Meeting Agenda for May 10, 2016
Monthly Public Meeting Agenda
Lawrence Township Library, Room #2
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 7:00 PM -- 9:00 PM
Approve March 2016 minutes. Discuss:
Pennsylvania--the 24th medical marijuana state. Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 3, on April 17, 2016. PTSD & chronic pain OK, but no flowers.
UNGASS 2016, 4/19-21, U.N., NYC. Sign Beckley Foundation's Public Letter (below). Bob Kane represents CMMNJ.
East Coast Cannabis Coalition passed the #UnityCypher #UnityTorch Joint from NYC to Trenton to Philly April 19 - 20 on its way from Portland, Maine to Miami, Florida.
NJWeedman Update: "Joint" & "Liberty Bell Temple" visited by LEOs 3/5/16 followed by injunction to stop harassment; raided by LEOs on 4/27/16 with multiple arrests and property confiscated. SCOTUS appeal pending from 2010 arrest.
NJ DOH appoints panel to add qualifying conditions for marijuana therapy to MMP.
Ongoing Thursday Podcasts at the Trenton Statehouse resumed April 7, 2016, 11-2 pm.
Breakwater ATC offers 5% discount to any patient with a CMMNJ t-shirt!
Jon Peditto, SBI: 000175573D, unit 4R, c/o Southern State Correctional Facility
4295 North Delsea Drive, P.O. Box 150, Belmont, New Jersey 08314
Upcoming Events:
NORML Lobby Day 5/23&24/16 Washington, DC.
Global Marijuana March, 5/7/16, NYC & Rehoboth, DE; 5/8/16 Philadelphia.
Recent events:
NJLP convention 3/12/16, Hightstown, NJ.
NJ Senate & Assembly Budget Testimony, 3/15&16/16 Glassboro & Collingswood, NJ
ASA's Medical Marijuana Unity Conference, 3/18-22, Washington, D.C.
Patients Out of Time conference, 4/14-16/16, Baltimore.
Trenton 4/20, 2pm March from City Hall to Rally at Statehouse, After Party at The Joint.
CMMNJ Board meeting, 4/6/16.
Treasury report: Checking: $2234; PayPal: $3679. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $3/apiece; 2 for $5. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.)
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, (609) 394-2137 Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Monthly Public Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2016
Jo Anne Zito welcomed onto CMMNJ Board of Directors at 2/23/16 Board meeting.
Breakwater ATC offers 5% discount to any patient with a CMMNJ t-shirt!
Compassionate Sciences ATC offering workshops for patients in Bellmawr, NJ.
CMMNJ met with Asm. Greenwald's aide in the Statehouse re: edible availability.
Upcoming Events: Patients Out of Time conference, 4/14-16/16, Baltimore.
UNGASS 2016, 4/19-21, U.N., NYC. East Coast Cannabis Coalition Joint Torch relay from Maine to Florida--4/19 at U.N. in NYC and 4/20 in Trenton, and heading south.
Global Marijuana March, 5/7/16, NYC & Rehoboth, DE; Philly 5/8/16.
NJ Senate & Assembly Budget Testimony, 3/15&16/16 Glassboro & Collingswood, NJ
American Cannabis Nurses Association (ACNA) meeting at NJWeedman's "Joint," 322 E. State St., Trenton, NJ, 3/14/16, 7 - 8:30 pm. Date change to 4/7/16, 5 - 8 pm.
ASA's Medical Marijuana Unity Conference, 3/18-22, Washington, D.C.
CannMed 2016, 4/10-11, Harvard School of Med, Boston (Dr. Mechoulam,
Trenton 4/20, 2pm March from City Hall to Rally at Statehouse, After Party at The Joint.
NJLP convention 3/12/16, Tavern on the Lake, Hightstown, NJ.
Thursday Podcasts at the Trenton Statehouse to resume April 7, 2016, 11-2 pm.
Recent events: “CMMNJ TV” taping with Mary Lynn Mathre, RN and Mike Krawitz via Skype, 3/1/16 at Princeton Community TV Studio, 10 am to 2 pm.
Jon Peditto transferred to Southern State Correctional Facility to serve 8 years.
Treasury report: Checking: $2204; PayPal: $3650. Multicolored hemp bands from Romania--Suggested retail price: $3/apiece; 2 for $5. Wholesale prices are available.
CMMNJ's meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., 08648. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply Mercer County’s endorsement of our issue.)
More info: Ken Wolski, RN, (609) 394-2137 Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ:
CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.
Recent Media Coverage and Blogs:
Governor Wolf Signs Medical Marijuana Legalization Bill into Law
Local residents, Delco officials discuss benefits of medical marijuana
NJWeedman’s Joint Raided: NJWeedman Arrested With ‘Joint Boys’
Interview: "NJ Weedman" Petitions Supreme Court for Marijuana Case
NJ Weedman SCOTUS Petition:
‘NJWeedman’ is No Joke. He’s New Jersey’s Cannabis Pioneer.
Support The NJ Weedman
Out of UNGASS: 2016 Public Letter
Sign it:
Multiple Nations Call for Reform in International Cannabis Policies at United Nations
Ad Hoc US Coalition for Global Drug Policy Reform
Cannabis and Cannabis Resin
Critical Review Preparation Document
UNGASS Outcome: Missed Opportunity for UN, but Global Reform Movement Grows & Continues to Push for Better Drug Policies
65K N.J. children have grown up with a parent in prison
420 Legalization March 2016 - Trenton, NJ - #ECCC #AnonNJTV #HempSec
The Tenth National Clinical Conference on Cannabis Therapeutics
Medical Marijuana Scarce and Costly as Christie Fights Broader Access
N.J. panel may expand medical marijuana use
NJ Assemblyman Wants To Allow Medical Marijuana Use For Menstrual Cramps
Activists Plan Mass Marijuana Consumption At The White House, But Some Cannabis Advocates Question Civil Disobedience
Philly 420: NJ pot arrests still high
CMMNJ TV Angela Patterson/INE Jamesburg
LETTER: Offer marijuana for chronic pain
Seniors and marijuana
Trauma is a Gateway Drug
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