Monthly Public Meeting Agenda
Lawrence Twp. Library (Mercer County) Room #1 (note room change)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011; 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
7:00 PM: Call meeting to order. Approve December 2010 minutes. Discuss:
The entire NJ state legislature agreed with CMMNJ that the proposed Medicinal Marijuana Program rules from the DHSS were inconsistent with the legislative intent of the Compassionate Use Act. The DHSS now has 30 days to re-write those rules—they are due in mid January. If the rules continue to be unacceptable, there will be further legislative and CMMNJ action.
Submit written comments on the proposed DHSS rules, by regular mail, postmarked by 1/14/11 to Ruth Charbonneau, DHSS, P.O. Box 360, Trenton, NJ 08625.
See CMMNJ annual report, Open Letter to NJ Legislators, & Sen. Scutari’s Op Ed. Web site revamp?
Strong voter support for medical marijuana in NJ continues--76% support it, according to 12/21/10 Quinnipiac Poll.
Upcoming CMMNJ events: PhillyNORML Fundraiser at the Kung Fu Necktie, Philadelphia, PA on 1/20/11 starts at 8:30 PM, $10 at the door; Stone Pony, Asbury Park, 4-day music event with the Bouncing Souls was postponed from December and now will be held Feb. 9 – 12, see the Stone Pony web site for ticket info. Volunteers needed for Asbury Park event.
Recent CMMNJ events: Senate approval of Resolution to have DHSS rewrite rules 12/13/10. Americans for Safe Access (ASA) national conference call, 12/20/10.
Treasury report: Checking: $5,385; PayPal: $3,247. Tax-deductible donations to CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, may be made through Paypal on our web site, or send a check made out to “CMMNJ” to the address below. Get a free t-shirt for a donation above $15—specify size.
CMMNJ’s meetings are the second Tuesday of each month from 7 - 9 PM at the Lawrence Twp. Library, 2751 Brunswick Pike, Lawrence Twp., Tel. #609.882.9246. All are welcome. (Meeting at the library does not imply their endorsement of our issue.) For more info, contact:
Ken Wolski, RN, MPA
Executive Director
Coalition for Medical Marijuana—New Jersey, Inc. www.cmmnj.org
219 Woodside Ave., Trenton, NJ 08618 (609) 394-2137
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