Tuesday, October 1, 2024

CMMNJ Monthly Zoom Meeting Agenda for October 8, 2024


CMMNJ Monthly Zoom Meeting Agenda for October 8, 2024 at 7 pm

Join Zoom Meeting: ID: 846 0605 9419  Passcode: 424050 Or, click: 

One tap mobile: +1 (646) 931-3860 

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kfxs7Efo3

Agenda: New Jersey Issues:

National Election Day, November 5, 2024: It matters that you vote! Elected officials need to know that cannabis consumers vote—it will encourage them to pay attention to our issue. CMMNJ cannot endorse any candidate for elected office. However, we can discuss the positions candidates stake out on any issue: 

Both Major-Party Presidential Candidates Signal Support for Cannabis Policy Reform: Where Trump and Harris Stand on Legalization

Following former President Trump’s announcement of support for a cannabis legalization ballot measure in Florida, Vice President Kamala Harris reminds voters that while in office, Trump “took marijuana reform backwards.” 

Kamala Harris: “We Need to Legalize” Cannabis, VP Says For First Time

Americans for Safe Access has launched The Compassionate Candidate Campaign to amplify patient voices. This initiative provides candidates a platform to learn about patients’ needs and to showcase their support!

NJ Gov. Murphy signed Bill A 4461 to limit the manufacture and sale of hemp products to those licensed by the NJ CRC. The law will allow infused beverages to be sold by liquor stores regulated by the NJ Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, after regulations are finalized. Intoxicating hemp products — including the THC seltzers — must be pulled off shelves in the next 30 days (mid-Oct.) New law Spurs Lawsuit by Hemp Businesses. NJ Cannabis Insider report.

The NJ Assembly Oversight, Reform, and Federal Relations Committee held a hearing on town cannabis problems. NJ has “a model that has lifted up racial and social equity…better than any other state in the nation,” NJCBA General Counsel Bill Caruso said. But “It is downright difficult to operate a profitable business in the cannabis industry. It takes significant financial investment,” NJCTA E.D. Todd Johnson said. Most small businesses fail within 10 years.

Gov. Murphy said $14.5 Million in new financial grants raised from cannabis tax revenue will go to New Jersey Community-Based Violence Intervention (CBVI) Programs to address harms caused by the War on Drugs. 

Ken’s Trenton Times LTE:Allow medical cannabis in health care facilities.”  Sen. Timberlake’s bill S3332  creates a 5-year pilot program to use medicinal cannabis in university hospitals to evaluate its efficacy in improving patient outcomes; do research, and spark innovation in medicinal cannabis. Kemani A. Scott, Director of Policy & Legislation, Office of Senator Troy Singleton.

Ignorance Is No Excuse with Gary George

Study: Medical Marijuana Users Report Significant Short-Term Health Benefits

Please subscribe to CMMNJ’s YouTube channel—we need 50 for greater access!

The Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC):

Next CRC meeting: Thursday, October 17, 11 a.m.

Location: 44 South Clinton Avenue, Trenton NJ. Watch on YouTube

Register to speak by October 15th at 5 p.m. Submit comments in writing to the CRC here by October 18th at 5 p.m.

Gov. Murphy replaced NJ CRC Commissioner Charles Barker with Amelia Mapp.

NJ CRC Virtual Roundtable - An invitation is required to attend. 

  • September 25, Public Engagement and Education Committee (Number of ATCs);
  • October 1, Permitting and Licensing Committee (Institutional Caregivers)

Federal Drug Policy Reform: 

The DEA will hold an administrative law hearing on marijuana’s scheduling on December 2, 2024. 

DEA Acknowledges New Two-Step Test For Marijuana’s Accepted Medical Use Is Legitimate; DOJ’s OLC: the prior five-part test was “impermissibly narrow.”

Reclassifying cannabis as a Schedule III drug only exacerbates a bad situation. It embeds it in the deeply flawed American pharmaceutical system and ignores the cultural and spiritual practices that have long been part of cannabis use. 

NY Times: Nixon Started the War on Drugs. Privately, He Said Pot Was ‘Not Particularly Dangerous.’

A committee from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) called for a public health approach with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) taking a larger role in cannabis policy. An estimated 18 million Americans use marijuana daily or near-daily, more than the number who drink alcohol that often.

MPP: Federal Marijuana Policy and pending legislation.

CMMNJ’s medical cannabis ongoing goals:

Insurance bills:

  • S1944: Costs of medical cannabis to be reimbursed by Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund, PAAD, Senior Gold and VCCO. The bills passed both Health Committees and are in the Senate and Assembly Budget and Oversight Committees. 
  • S1943/A4371: Requires workers’ compensation, PIP, and health insurance coverage.
  • A898/S2828: Subsidize medical cannabis in Medicaid or NJ Family Care.
Home cultivation bills:
Website: https://www.letpatientsgrownj.com/
  • S1393/A846: Authorizes home cultivation of medical cannabis.
  • A414: Legalizes possession of six marijuana plants for personal use.
  • S1985: Legalizes six plants for personal use and 10 plants for medical 
Hospital and Institutional Access: NJ patients in hospitals, nursing homes, state institutions, group homes and hospice are unable to access medical cannabis. Patient outcomes would improve, and health care costs would be reduced if these patients had access to medical cannabis.

Recent Events: 

NJ Cannabis Conference 2024: NECANN   9/6-7, Atlantic City, CMMNJ booth. 
Happy Wellness Expo! 9/8/24, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ. 
420 Expo 1st NJ Legal Cannabis Cup, Edison, Sept. 13-15, 2024. CMMNJ table.
Ewing Community Fest 2024, TCNJ, 9/21/24; CMMNJ table!

Treasury report: 

Checking: $10,521; Fundraising ideas are always welcome.

Make a tax-deductible donation via PayPal to info@cmmnj.org
or send a check to: CMMNJ, 219 Woodside Ave., Trenton, NJ 08618.

Or scan:

More info: 

Ken Wolski, RN, MPA (609) 394-2137 ohamkrw@aol.com 
Facebook: Friends of CMMNJ: https://www.facebook.com/groups/62462971150/
Twitter: @CMM_NJ
CMMNJ bloghttps://cmmnj.blogspot.com/ 

Website: Coalition for Medical Marijuana-New Jersey: Join the “CMMNJ Tech Team” to help with website, etc. Text Nick Mellis @ 609.331.9304

CMMNJ awards:

2021: NJ Governor's Jefferson Award in the Volunteer Group category;
2023: NJ State Governor's Volunteerism Award in the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Champion for Justice Category "for extraordinary service to your community;"
2023: Ken Wolski won a Lifetime Achievement award;
2023: NJ Senate and Assembly Joint Legislative Resolution affirmed CMMNJ's importance as a "catalyst for the legalization of both medical and recreational marijuana in the State" and paid “tribute to all who have contributed to its success and renown.”

CMMNJ, a 501(c)(3) public charity, is a non-profit educational organization.

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